Yesterday morning I welcomed a beautiful little girl into the world. I am tired but I know that things will go forward with 99knives because that is the way that it was designed. To have one person at the center, holding things together in the face of something that we think is so vital. I can take off knowing that things are moving along and that I can take some time with my new soul in my arms, my new husband, our new farm and know that things are going to go on.
I am musing on this and writing about this as think about so many things that wait for exceptional people to espouse common sense. Did we really need Betty Friedan to tell us that women are equal to men? Did we really need Martin Luther King to tell us that blacks are equal to whites? Looking at the world as it is I think there is too much to be done to wait for an individual to step up. We have work to do. We have to stop waiting for someone to arrive to tell us to do it.
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