Compost SC

Compost SC

We want your garbage!
South Carolina currently only recycles 29% of its waste.
We are on a mission to raise that number!
Compost SC is aiming to gather 100 tons of compostable mass and put it back to work in local gardens and farms!

We need your help!
Take a moment to think about the amount of compostable mass that you throw away on a weekly basis.    Think about the egg shells, the carrot tops, and more that gets thrown into trash cans, taken and then buried in landfills.

We are working to gather the mass that is slipping through the cracks and close the loop on the food cycle.

Subscribe to Compost SC and we will provide you with a sealable compost container to put your compostables in.

We will pick it up on a weekly basis and add it to a pile.

When it's fully composted, it will  be taken to farms and gardens that will grow more food.

What's in it for you?

Cleaner air?  Less trash in the waste stream?  Cleaner environment?

Sure! all of those things and more!

We have a number of local supporters who are working to help make South Carolina greener and are offering amazing perks for our subscribers each month.  Get free coffee,  discounts on food, books and more!

Being a part of Compost SC is like being a part of a really great club that is helping to making the world a better place!

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