Saturday, December 13, 2014

The Hive Host Program and how to support a CSA in your area

The Hive Host to help solve a very basic problem, there are not enough bees.  This program is not going to solve the entire problem all at once, but it is start.  Bees are an integral part of our food system and need to be supported.

How do we do it?
Colony collapse disorder is a serious problem.  There are mild disputes as to what is causing bees to die by the thousands but the primary thought is that pesticides have a lot to do with it. Bee keeping is an ancient art and skill and many people have wanted to do it.  There are problems, though.  For some it is too expensive.  For some it is too time consuming.  Some lack the knowledge.  Still, many yearn to keep bees and many of our bee friends need our help.

We set out to solve some of these problems.  Taking a page from the bees book, we have formed partnerships to solve a problem and much the same way they adapt to nature, we work in our own "environment" to make a difference.

99Knives decided to invest and we could not have  made a better decision.  The plan is simple.  We pay for people to host hives on their property.  The bees do what bees do, and the rewards abound.  When we put a hive on someone's property, we help them learn to work with bees.  The bees pollinate the flowers.  The bees make honey.  The bees make wax.  The bees do what bees do, and the rewards abound.

There are ideas that merely the tending of bees is calming.  It is relaxing as a hobby.  There are those who like the soft buzz of our little friends as they hover around the garden and they seem to be unaware of our existence.  We know that they are there and it is becoming increasingly apparent that we will miss them when they are gone.

Just like the bees we plan ahead.  These initiatives and many more are funded through our CSAs.   These are community supported agriculture projects in several cities in several states.  We do this to support small farmers and initiatives in the cities where food deserts are prevalent.  We provide seeds, and all of the other things that people who are working hard to make changes in the food system.

Is there a CSA in your area?  Are there people in your area making a difference...who want to?  CSA's and the networks they build provide a great service.  The allow growers to plan for what they are going to grow, they know they have customers and can plan accordingly.  The easier the better and the more people are able to get involved.

Get local produce, support the bees, help the world.  It is likely that we have a CSA near you and if we don't now, we likely will soon.

Wanna learn about what we do?

Wanna know what we do?

We need your help...Contact us at

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