Wednesday, January 7, 2015

What do we owe you?

We have been talking and talking about what we want to do and what we want to provide.  We have been talking about making the world a better place, etc.  One thing that we have not done, is ask not what we can provide those coming, but what we have to provide.  What do we owe the next group of people who will follow?

We asked our very talented incoming interns what they expect to get out of their experience with us.   These are their responses...


You owe me space. A big ol plot of green and brown-that kinda dirt that cleans you. You owe me the space to lay my planting grounds. To let my green vine arms run wild and free.  I want the beds to lay the foundations of new friendships and allies. The beds to companion plant some good seeds.

Speaking of seeds, you owe me seeds. A lot of them please. I need seeds to sow in the name of change. Seeds to sow into clean and free form rows. Of course, these seeds may not be GMO’ed.  I need seeds that will feed the belly of the people around us. Especially those sick and in need.

I’m sure you have your expectations of who I am and what I am going to do. But please, you owe me the space to be me and work for you the best I can be. I will need a straightforward explanation of what you need from me and how you expect our 6 months to go. What needs to get done by when, what are our main focuses, how things will be organized, etc. You owe me that guidance, and I owe you the reliance. And, at the end of the day, I will need a place to stay and an hourly wage.


 If I could ask one thing of the generations above me, it would be suspended disbelief and a willingness to believe. After all, the way many of us see our life paths is no less then to be the brave valiant warriors of the world, out to save our planet and our people. And one must be very brave (and a bit romantic) if total salvation is the goal. There are many paths to walk in answering the call to be a part of creating a healthy people planet relationship. So next time you see a bunch of kids on you sidewalk with packs and planning a few tunes, kick them a dollar, they leave a very low carbon foot print and could be out to save the world. And if your daughter wants to drop out of college to farm and become the fermentation queen why, give her your blessing, and a pouch to start saving seeds! She is a brave and gentle warrior. Her own courage will bring her the strength to charge into holy battle against apathy and waste, but guarantee you she wants to hold your hand, and have you look into your eyes and bless her. The words every young Eco-warrior wants to hear.. "My child, go. This may not have been the path I would have chosen for you, but times are changing and so we must adjust. We must be brave, but I know we can do it. I believe in you. You will make mistakes, and when you do you should say to yourself "hypothesis proven incorrect, experiment was successful because.." And you will keep trying and keep learning. I will be here for you, and I will learn from you too. And when you are scared and do not think you can go any further, I will believe in you and hold my faith in you, until you can feel it again.Together we will learn from the greatest teachers, the earth and our own experience. When we are united in respect, and all generations are teachers and learners, we are at our strongest. We are all on this together." 

You are going to hear a lot more from Abby and Samantha in the future.  They will be writing much more about their work and many more will be joining them.  They will be asking this question of those who will follow them and helping others to realize their dreams and hopes for the world, as we hope, we can help them.

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