Monday, December 29, 2014

The Farm Army

We need more bacon.
Seriously, there is a pig shortage and that is causing a rise in bacon prices.  Meanwhile, bacon is going into everything...even ice cream.

I am looking back on my high school economics and realizing that there are a lot of barriers to entry when we look at the pig biz.  First, you need space.  Yes, you can lock a pig up in a 10 ft. by 10 ft. pen and just let them be.  This is not a nice deal for the pig, but in several months you will have some bacon.  I would recommend about a quarter of an acre, at the least and let the little dudes (more than one is best) roam.  This will save you money because they will root for some of their food and it is just better for them to have a better temperament.

Buying pigs is an investment.  Owning pigs is an investment.  For that matter, everything that goes with owning any animal is an investment.  Because farming in general is an investment people have to know that there is a pay off at the end.  Whether it is the taste of bacon or the cash that they can get from sales, there has to be a return on that investment.  This goes for anything at all.

What do we want?  We want to see better food in the world.   We are not the biggest fans of Monsanto.  We are not the biggest fans of McDonald's.  We are a group of chefs and as such, the return on our investment is the creation of the best food for the most people.  So, we invest in farmers and watch them grow.  Because we need to see a return on our investment, we create ways to make those investments pay off and it is in our interest to make sure that the people we invest in are well taken care of.

What is stopping you?  Seriously.  We want to know what is keeping you from following your dream.  We can help.  Our goal is to see more good food in the world and the desire is to create viable and realistic systems to bring some good food to the table.

Look at the Hive Host Program.  We build bee hives, place them with people who want to help bees and learn about beekeeping, and then create an amicable split of the honey and other products.   Compost SC works with worm composters to sell their products all over the southeast and they are able to share in the profits of the work their worms do.  Now we are ready to step it up a notch and think about other things.  What would it take to get started? What does it take to make your desires a reality?

We are looking to make small scale investments in people.  We are looking to help and create.
We are ready to invest in you, are you ready to invest in you?

We are starting the 100 Heritage Initiative.
Simply put, we are looking for people with land to help raise heritage breed animals.  Members of our organization will be our partners in raising various heritage breeds of animals on their property and creating a profit for the farmer and a responsibly raised product for our buyers.
This is a chance for hands on education, get support and assistance as well supporting heritage breed animals in the world.

We are looking to place 100 heritage breed animals with growers interested in bringing them to market in 2015 with a plan to do much much more in the following year.

If you would like to join 99knives and be a part of this and many other amazing projects.  Contact us at

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