Monday, November 17, 2014

I Am Somebody and So Are You

This is industry related, I swear...

I have wild hair and I have a piercing in my belly button but I like to think that the similarities between me and the trolls of myth end there.  Yesterday I said some things about some things and it irritated quite a few people.  To them I say good!  I am a living breathing human being and I have a voice.  So do you.  Use it.

A troll in the internet sense just says things to get a rise out of someone.  Trust me, I read the comments sections of a lot of articles.  That is not at all what I was doing here.   I had some thoughts, I voiced them.  I will have many more and no, I will not shut up.  Nor should you if you believe in something.

I fear I may have gotten on this person's bad side when I referred to his event as "hipster bullshit".  He ended up doing the equivalent of stomping like a child from a room and leaving the conversation when I called him on it.  Not before doing the very cowardly thing of lobbing what he thought was an insult.  He called me...brace yourselves..."irrelevant". I think his hope was to make me feel small and insignificant.  It didn't work.

He said that other people were saying the same thing about me in private messages to him and were basically saying "Who is she?"  I am a living, breathing, human woman with an opinion, that's who I am.  Why were these conversations going on in the backrooms and corridors of Facebook?  Everyone is someone.  Everyone has a valid opinion.  Moreover the moment I start couching my self worth in what some other person on the internet said about me, is the day...well, I don't know because it is never going to happen.

When I called his event elitist, he denied it.  When I said that neither it nor he came anywhere near what he claims he was trying to do, he scoffed.  If nothing else his final comments were very telling about who he is and what this event was about.

Everyone has a voice.  Everyone has something to say and someone who is trying to educate someone else should be the first to recognize that there is no one who is irrelevant.  This is especially true when we are talking about food.  Everybody's gotta eat and everyone who ingests food has a vote.

Pam Warhurst of Incredible Edible has a wonderful ideology...

The best thing about Incredible Edible it is that it is inclusive.  No one is irrelevant and no one should be out of the loop.

Am I a nobody?  No, I am a wife and mother and business owner.  I am a daughter, a farmer, and a darn good chef and my opinion matters.   So I was really very happy when he said that I was irrelevant.  It sealed my faith in myself and proved my point.  It was a bunch of hipster bullshit put on by a pretentious douche who puts himself out there as the new every man while simultaneously calling anyone who disagrees with him ignorant and irrelevant.

My husband is a comic nerd who always laughs at this scene from the Avengers.  The one where Loki attempts to put his foot down and assert how lowly we all are in his presence...

I get it now.

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